True Blood "Somebody That I Used to Know" Review

“Somebody That I Used to Know” Review

            I’d like to begin this review by stating my disappointment at the end credit song. As I’m sure most of have realized the title of the song that plays during the credits of True Blood is often the same as the title of the episode. I was pretty anxious to hear some Gotye on True Blood last night; it would have been a mix of my two guiltiest of pleasures (like a Reese's peanut butter cup stuffed inside a Krispy Kreme donut) but instead I was treated to Elliot Smith. It’s not a bad song it’s just not what I was expecting.

            We start off the episode with Sam and Luna in the hospital dealing with the shifter shooting sub-plot. Am I the only person who half way forgot that Luna can shift into humans? It was mentioned last season when we first met Luna (in all her nakedness) but I feel as if it was never touched on again until now, and only for a few cheap parent trap style gag laughs with Sam. I’ve noticed over the past few seasons that True Blood has a tendency of to rope subplots together mid season. After Sam uses some pretty snaky interrogation techniques (see what I did there?) we find out that the douche in the hospital that tried to kill Luna is working with the douches Hoyt has been hanging out with and those douches have vamp napped Jessica. I feel as if the show is aware that these are the scenes that no one really cares about, which would explain why both these plots were taken care of fairly early on in the episode and with little fanfare. Hoyt decides that he can’t kill Jessica and helps her dispatch her would be capturer. Sam, Andy and Luna/Sam arrive to save Jessica but some how miss Hoyt walking down the exact same road.

            Didn’t Alcide just find out a few episodes back that Debbie took a shotgun to the face?  I only ask because he and Rikki are back at his place breezing thru the first half of the Kama Sutra. We catch up with the rest of the wolf pack later in the episode along with the pack master selection ritual. It couldn’t be anymore obvious that JD is an extremely bad dude; all he’s missing is a Snidely Whiplash mustache and top hat.  A battle ensues between the two, and Alcide swiftly gets his ass handed to him thanks to JD’s addiction to V. If not for the intervention of Rikki and Ma Harris Alcide would have been put down for good (see what I did there).

            On the last bit of subplot we see Lafayette, and Terry’s smoke monster story cross paths (I dare you to tell me that’s not the smoke monster from LOST). It isn’t long before Arlene and Holly track down Lafayette to do his best impersonation of Whoppi Goldberg in Ghost to try and trick the crazy out of Terry. However shit gets real when the spirit of the woman Terry killed decides to crash the party and tells Terry the only way she’ll call off old Smokey is if either he kills the Sergeant of the Sergeant kills him.
            We catch up with Sookie outside the secret fairy club (did I just type secret fairy club?) blasting kamehamehas into the sky in an effort to relieve herself of her fairy powers. It isn’t until Jason sits her down and explains that being normal pretty much sucks that she decides it’s best for her to lay off the fire works, at least until they are able to track down the vampire that killed their parents. With the help of Claude and his fairy sisters (…..) Sookie is able to relive the night her parents were killed through the eyes of her mother, in an effort to identify the vampire responsible. Things get out of hand however when Sookie connects with vampire who slaughtered her parents instead of her mother. We find out from Claude that that’s very bad news for Sookie. Which we see later down the episode when Sookie is threatened by the spirit of said vampire.
            After chugging the blood of Lilith last week Russell, Bill and the rest of the authority decide to chow down on a few bar goers who probably wished they stayed home and made it a net flicks night. When the party gets back to authority HQ the vampire Scooby gang are all hopped up on Lilith blood and decide that coexisting with humans is for the birds. Were treated to a scene in which Bill visits his daughter on her death bed and opts not to turn her into a vampire. We seemingly see Bill decided that being a vampire is the bee’s knees as he proceeds to drink the proverbial Kool-aid, by which I mean some poor girls blood. Eric is shaken by his vision of Godric and tries to bring Nora back to the not so dark side. At the end of the episode we see the authority begin to put their plans for ending mainstreaming into action. We also see a bonding moment between Russell Edgington and Steve Newlin over talks of massages from Asian men. The team gets spit balling on ideas for devouring human’s en mass, but it isn’t until Bill suggests destroying the True Blood production factories that things start to sounds very serious. It’s still anyone’s guess if Bill really has gone bat crap insane or if this is somehow a part of a plan he’s not willing to share with Eric.

            All in all I have to say that this was a very mediocre episode of the show. This was Stephen Moyer’s directorial debut and I feel his inexperience really shows. I can’t lay blame solely on Stephen however; this season has been pretty lack luster. Once of True Bloods strengths is its ability to pick up towards the end of the season and I’m really hoping that happens this time around.

I’m giving this episode 6.5 out of 10

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